30 March 2009

Setahun sudah berlalu

Hari ini genaplah setahun aku bekerja kat Arab Saudi ni. Punya lar singkat masa berlalu. Rasa macam baru je sampai kat sini. Teringat masa mula-mula sampai, aku, Wan Jemi, Hj Fadil & Jaafar terpaksa menunggu 4 jam kat airport Jeddah untuk orang datang ambik kita orang. Alhamdullillah, sekarang semua dah ada family kat sini kecuali Jaafar. Kalau setahun yang lepas, cuma ada 10 orang je kat Yansab tapi sekarang dah lebih 90 orang kat Yansab.

Walaupun baru setahun kat sini tapi aku rasa dah macam-macam perubahan yang berlaku. Cuma plant yang diuar-uarkan akan mula beroperasi pada tahun lepas masih belum lagi beroperasi. InsyaAllah tak lama lagi beroperasi lah tu.
Aktiviti-aktiviti mingguan memang sentiasa ada. Boleh dikatakan hujung minggu lagi sibuk dari hari kerja. Secara tak langsung membuatkan kehidupan kat sini tak lah membosankan sebagaimana yang aku dok pikirkan sebelum datang ke sini setahun yang lepas.
InsyaAllah, kalau ada rezeki, ada umur, nak dok lama-lama kat sini ...
Ini cerita minggu lepas, diceritakan di Mama Bungas - Mekah, Pasar Malam & Kenduri Kahwin

23 March 2009

Saman Dan Had Laju

Ini untuk kekawan yang suka dan selalu memandu laju di Arab Saudi macam aku... heee..heee... Pada sessiapa yang masih ingat, pada bulan puasa tahun lepas aku telah disaman di lebuhraya Jeddah - Yanbu berhampiran susur keluar ke Badar. Masa kena saman, polis tuh tak cakap apa-apa samada jumlah saman maupun speed aku masa tuh. Dia cuma beri surat saman warna kuning. Aku dapat tahu jumlah kena saman melalui "Government Relation Officer" kat tempat aku kerja. Jumlahnya SR500... paling tinggi diantara senarai nama yang kena saman. Kemudian aku dapat tahu kita boleh check saman kita on-line. Memang betul SR500.

Kebiasaannya saman boleh dibayar melalui GR Dept tapi masa turn aku, dia suruh aku bayar sendiri. So, aku pun mintak tolong kekawan yang ada Al-Rajhi akaun untuk bayar saman aku secara on-line. Oh ya... kat sini, setakat yang aku tahu, cuma Al-Rajhi dan Riyad Bank je yang ada kemudahan membayar "Government Fees" secara on-line atau melalui atm. Ini termasuklah saman atau visa fee. Tapi saman aku ni ada masalah ... kabir musykila. Aku sampai terpaksa buka akaun kat Al-Rajhi semata-mata nak bayar saman. Itu pun masih tak boleh gak. Last-last aku pergi kat one of the service company yang beri perkhidmatan membayar saman. Itu pun tak lepas gak dan orang kat kedai tu cakap aku kena pergi balai polis dan kemungkinan besar ditahan kat lokap untuk satu hingga tiga malam. Ish ... takkan macam tu sekali.

Jadiknya, aku pun pergi lar ke balai tapi ketua balai tak de dan pegawainya suruh aku datang lagi esok pagi seawal pukul 8 tapi aku tak pergi pun. Aku pergi mengadu kat bos GR dept tempat aku kerja. Ha'ah .... katanya kalau kita ditangkap pada kelajuan 160 km/hr keatas memang akan kena tahan sekurang-kurangnya 24 jam kat balai polis. Lepas tu baru boleh bayar saman. Nampak gaya nya memang aku bersedia untuk tidur kat balai ler jawapnya .... tak pernah dalam sejarah hidup aku kat mana-mana tidur dalam lokap.

Tapi bila aku tunjukkan saman aku tuh, bos GR tu cakap kelajuan aku cuma 150 km/hr. Sepatutnya tak de masalah untuk dibayar. Tapi bila check kat sistem polis (dia orang ada access), kelajuan yang direkodkan adalah 172 km/hr! Patutlah..... Maka dipendekkan cerita, kes aku akan di uruskan oleh GR Officer tu.... harap-harap kes ni dapat diselesaikan dan tak lah kena tidur kat balai polis.

Jadi sebagai peringatan, kalau nak bawak laju tu, pastikan tidak melebihi 159 km/hr! Nanti tak pasal-pasal kena tahan kat lokap polis.

19 March 2009

Bulan duduk rumah

Sehingga kini, 2 orang puteri aku dah pun sembuh dari chicken pox tapi hari ni sorang lagi baru je kena demam. Nampak gayanya bulan ni kira bulan chicken pox untuk kami sekeluarga. So, bulan ni bulan duduk rumah.... dan cerita pasal rumah pulak, insyaAllah kami akan berpindah ke rumah lain. Bukan apa, tuan rumah ada ura-ura nak naik kan sewa rumah, nak naik pun tak agak-agak, dari SR30 ribu ke SR45 ribu setahun. Malas nak rayu-rayu, aku decide nak cari rumah lain. Lagi pun sekarang ni, setakat rumah dalam lingkungan SR30 ribu senang nak dapat dan ada yang lebih baru dan cantik lagik.
Dua hari lepas, aku dah pun memulakan pencarian rumah lain. Banyak gak aku dok gi survey, setakat ni ada dua yang jadi pilihan hati. Kemungkinan besar, bulan Mei nanti pindah ler kami ke rumah baru....
Kena settle kan dulu hal-hal rumah ni sebelum kita orang balik bercuti ke Malaysia bulan Jun nanti. Lagi pun, kontrak rumah ni tamat pertengahan bulan Mei nanti. Tu ler, baru setahun dah pindah lagi... kira okay ler tengok pemandangan lain pulak....

09 March 2009

Beach Camping

Since the previous trip to Al Hasi was quite enjoyable, we are seriously thinking about beach camping for the next visit there. Of course, for beach camping and stay overnite with family really need serious and good planning. So, for those who plan to do beach camping, the guidelines below may be helpful to plan your camping trip.
Kalau kat US atau Eropah, tempat perkhemahan memang lengkap dengan berbagai kemudahan. Itu pun masih perlukan perancangan apatah lagi kalau kat Arab Saudi ni. Memang kena plan betul-betul dan kena buat checklist.
Below is an article with regard to preparation of beach camping from Toni_Grundstrom.
You do not go on a driving trip without a map, you should not go on a family camping trip without a camping checklist. Checking off the essential camping supplies and camping gear as you pack helps to ensure you bring everything you need so everyone will enjoy the experience.

Tent and bedding - For family camp excursions you will need a couple of proper sized tents, tent stakes a (carry extra stakes with you, too), hammer and a stake puller. You can use oilcloths or tarpaulins, a little larger than the floor of your tent to cover the floor of your tent. This inhibits the mud and dust to accumulate. Bring a broom and a small mat to help you to keep your tent clean and tidy.

A great number of choices are available when selecting your bedding and sleeping material. Choose the correct sized sleeping bag for each member of your family. This makes it more comfortable for sleeping. You can use air mattresses or camp pads to get you off the ground, avoiding the cool and wet. Remember pillows and extra blankets because you never know how cool the evenings will be.

Clothes - One of the most essential things on your camping list is the clothes that you need to pack. Obviously the garments you carry will be in accordance with the weather, location and things that you intend to do. Put in 3 sets of clothes, something to sleep in, a jacket, a sweatshirt, and a rain gear. What you bring should fit into a brown grocery bag. If it over flows you are bringing too much. Camping is not a fashion show so dress down and comfortable. Long pants, socks, and hiking shoes for hiking and carry your swimsuit, sandals that you can put on the beach, and head gear for water activities.
Personal items - Even though camping is not a fashion show you need to maintain your hygiene. Your needs will vary depending on what the facilities are but there are basics. Put soap, deodorant, dental care products, hair care, and important medicines in a waterproof container. this keep the items dry and easy to carry. Bring change. Some facilities charge for hot water in the showers.
My comment :- There will be no facility at all except the beach at Al-Hasi.

What to pack in - Use rubber totes or heavy duffel bags to pack in. Each person can pack their own tote. If the kids are small let them help pack because 'part of the fun of camping is getting there'. Rain materials, swimsuits, towels, camping games, and beach toys should be packed in a separate tote as they are not too frequently used.

Use the laundry bag, a large plastic garbage bag, or an old pillow case to keep the unclean clothes away from the good ones. For wet clothes bring a clothes line and clothes pins so, for example, beach towels can dry and be used several times.

Additional essential camping gear - Other important items to pack include an ax, camera, campfire utensils, coffee pot, compass, cooking utensils, cooler(s), eating utensils, first aid kit, flashlights, folding chairs, folding table, ice, insect repellent, knives, gas lantern, lighter or matches, paper and pencil/pen, saw, shovel, spare change for laundry or shower facilities, sunglasses, sunscreen, table cloth with hold-down fasteners, tool kit, trash bags, and water containers, and wood for the campfire.

Camping is a great way for families to vacation without the high price tag. It allows you to escape daily routines, and will give your family the opportunity to be with each other. Your camping trips may grow into a tradition that everyone looks forward to with excitement and will remember for a lifetime. Be prepared ahead of time by using a camping checklist. This will ensure you have the correct camping gear and items your family needs so the camping experience can be enjoyed by everyone.

Give your family memories that will last a lifetime.
Find resources and further information about the great outdoors here.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Toni_Grundstrom

Packing for your camping trip:
*Start writing a list of what to bring before you go camping. It is smart to start writing the list a few days before you go, then more things will pop up in your head. If you are a family that is going out camping, you should involve all members to write the list, when we all got different needs.
*Do some research on the area where you are going out camping(weather-contitions etc.), that makes it easier to know what to pack.
*Make sure that you bring sleepingbags that are warm enough for the weather-conditions on the camping area.
*Bring wet-wipes, always a good thing to have available when camping.
*Remember to bring a first aid kit before going out camping.
Setting up your camping tent:
*Try to find a spot that is protected from the wind.
*Make it as easy as possible to set up your tent by doing this in daylight if possible.
*Avoid dried mud-ground, when this can get pretty ugly if it start to rain. Try to position your tent on a low level ground, but not too low.
*Place your tent so that your head is positioned higher than your feet when you sleep.
Around the fire:
*Pick a spot protected from the breeze and wind, and start by keeping the fire as small as possible.
*Keep water available, in case the fire turn out of control.
*Never leave a fire unattended when camping, and be sure that the ashes from the fire is cold before leaving it.

01 March 2009

Perkelahan di Pantai Al-Hasi

Happening sungguh .... tak terasa masa cepat je berlalu. Masing-masing dengan aktivitinya. Dua orang anak aku sedang ambik lesen menyelam dan sepatutnya dia orang kena buat 2 sesi latihan. Olehkerana suhu air yang agak sejuk, dia orang tak tahan dan terpaksa lah sesi di hentikan setelah 20 minit didasar laut. Tak dalam pun, cuma 10 kaki je. Sepatutnya sesi latihan yang pertama ni dibuat di kolam renang tapi dah dekat dengan pantai, buat aje kat laut.

Untuk cerita lebih lanjut, layari lah Mama Bungas dan Permata Hatiku.
InsyaAllah, bulan depan aku sekeluarga akan ke sana lagi.... sambung sesi latihan menyelam anak-anak aku.

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