Sebahagian kecil yang hadir pada majlis hari raya baru-baru ini |
Kaum ibu yang ada di Yanbu |
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Antara suasana pada majlis hari raya baru-baru ini |
Sebahagian kecil yang hadir pada majlis hari raya baru-baru ini |
Kaum ibu yang ada di Yanbu |
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Antara suasana pada majlis hari raya baru-baru ini |
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Tak tahu lah apa yg ditemberangkan oleh DZ pasal perut dia tu. Yang lain dok pakat tersengih jer... aku rasa dia dok cakap cara-cara membesarkan perut supaya nampak macho gitu .... |
Duduk dari kanan - Mastor, Amir, Mawi, Zuraili @ Wak Jor, A Aziz @ Gajah, Zaidut Berdiri dari kanan - Man Kudo, isteri Mawi, Sharina @ SBO, Radziah , Zulina (isteri zaidut) & isteri Wak Jor. |
Ramai betul peminat sedang mengerumun Mawi ni ... |
A lot of people said that Singapore has one of the best zoo in this region. I guess they are right. Singapore Zoo is highly recommended for a visit. We took few days to spend in Singapore and of course the zoo was in our list. Unfortunately we didn't manage to visit the Night Safari which is only next to the zoo.
On the way back to JB, we made a quick stop at Air Keroh. No new attraction and it seems to look the same 10, 15 years ago.
Alhamdullillah, praise to Allah, that this year we were able to celebrate and had our 1st week of Ramadhan with our beloved parents before going back to Saudi.
The above photos of Masjidil Haram's entrance of King Khalid as seen from the hotel.
Quite a number of families from Yanbu as well from other cities like Jubail and Riyadh were also visiting the Masjidil Haram, taking advantage of the least crowded period in the city. There is about 4 weeks or so where no umrah visa is being issued by the Saudi Government after the last batch of pilgrimage left the country. Normally the umrah visa will be issued starting from the month of Safar. In the picture above, Khairuddin from Jubail and Ahadin from Yanbu.
Lepak-lepak at the dataran Ka'bah.
The second weekend of the year, together with some friends, we organized a 'Ziarah Makkah'. The ziarah was managed and led by ProTeam UQ. Thanks to all the Ustazs from Umm Qura' University.
Jabal Tsur
The first stop in the ziarah itinerary was Jabal Tsur. It is located about 4km to the south of Masjidil Haram. Its height is 748m from sea level and will require about 1.5 hours to reach its top. The story of the prophet and his best companion, Saidina Abu Bakar hiding in its cave before the hijrah to Madinah was so inspirational. Ustaz Khairul as seen in the picture was telling the story at the foot of the Jabal Tsur.
The next destination was the 'Manasik Haji' places started from Arafah and Jabal Rahmah. Being in Arafah is the Haj itself. During the haj, all pilgrimages will convert and gather at Arafah on what we call Hari Wukuf, which falls on the 9th of Zulhijjah every year. It was believed that Jabal Rahmah was where Adam and Eve met for the 1st time in this world after they were sent out of heaven. In Arafah, there is a masjid called Namirah. It was where Prophet Muhammad s.a.w gave his final khutbah. One thing special about this masjid which was built during the rulwer of Abasiyah is that its front is out of Arafah whereby its back is in Arafah.
After Arafah, we passed by Muzdalifah and Mina (where the 3 jamrah is located). Mina is located about 7km from Masjidil Haram. At those Jamrahs where Abraham a.s threw stones to syaitan laknatullah. It was also a place where Ansar people gave their 'bai'at' to the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w which is known as Bai'at al-aqabah al-ula and Tsaniyah.
Before heading back to the city, we dropped by the camel farm nearby Masjid Hudaibiyah. Most of us at least bought a bottle of fresh milk. The kids were seen to enjoy the most with those camels. According to some stories, camel does have its special place in the history of our Prophet Muhammad. Camel is believed to be the most shy animal on earth. It is also an animal with the most charming smile, I guess.
Many thanks to UQ Proteam and those involved in making this ziarah a success.
Bersama dengan Haji Damsuki serta Haji Safawi Tuan Haji Abdul Aziz beserta dengan isteri Puan Hajah Karina
Sepupu Mama Bungas beserta dengan isterinya (abg Usop dan Kak Zizah)
Sekitar Masjid Nabawi selepas solat Asar.
It was the wukuf day that we started our journey at 9 am from Yanbu heading toward but bypassing Madinah before taking Madinah-Riyadh Expressway. There's nothing much to see along the expressway.
Sepanjang perjalanan cuma nampak padang pasir je dengan satu dua tempat nampaklah kebun-kebun kurma serta kawasan penanaman rumput. We safely reached Riyadh around 7 pm and met Haji Fauzi (a friend of a friend) who helped us in making a reservation at one of many service apartments in Riyadh.
Bergambar kenangan dengan sebahagian rakyat Malaysia di perjumpaan Aidil Adha.
Di hadapan rumah Haji Zulkiflee, Aramco compound, Dhahran
In the morning of the 1st day in Al-Khobar we went to Dhahran (about 10 minutes drive) visiting Ghazali's friend, Haji Zulkiflee at Aramco compound. A totally new environment as if you were not in Saudi Arabia but in America. There you can see women were jogging and without their abaya. Kat dalam tu jugak ada panggung wayang serta padang golf. Perempuan pun boleh memandu asalkan ada lesen memandu dari negara asal.
Back from Dhahran, we went sighseeing the city of Al-Khobar. We even went up to the Bahrain checkpoint at the middle of the Khobar-Bahrain causeway. Kalau lah senang nak keluar masuk saudi, memang dah sampai Bahrain tu. It is well known that people as far as from Riyadh like to come to Al-Khobar as the city is very lively and 'happening'.
Bersama Mokhtar dan Haji Shafiee di Jubail.
Views of the MasjidilHaram from the hotel.
Kelihatan para jemaah haji yang mula membanjiri kota suci ini menyambut panggilan Ilahi.
Zam Zam Tower menjulang tinggi ke langit. Boleh dilihat jauh dari luar Kota Makkah.
Pekerja masjid sedang membentangkan permaidani sebelum waktu solat Jumaat di tingkat satu.
Hujan lebat beserta kilat dan guruh membersihkan debu-debu di Kota Makkah selama satu jam selepas Maghrib.